Heeding The Voice of Authenticity, III
What Lights You Up?
Welcome back to this 12-part series of Journal Prompts to help you hear your Authentic Inner Voice and find your Calling and Purpose. If you have missed the introduction in Part I, you can find and read it here.
3. What Lights You Up?
The things, activities, conversations, thoughts and ideas that light us up and give us energy are direct pointers to our Authentic Being - our compass showing us we are ‘on track’ and in alignment with our ‘mission’, our passion in this life…
It’s like a spark-transfer from our soul, catching our attention, trying to ignite a memory of our Inner Being and the path we chose for this lifetime. It’s the kind of joyful, high-vibe energy that helps us accomplish more in less time and keeps us going without feeling drained or fatigued. The work that doesn’t feel like work.
Sometimes, this first thought-spark comes in like lightning, only to immediately be down-played and suppressed by our rational mind. Pay attention to the inner voice that tries to convince you you are incapable, not good enough, not rich enough, not free enough etc. etc. This is not your Authentic Voice. The initial Spark of Lightning is - listen to the messages it has for you, always.
Journal Prompts:
make a list of the things, the activities, the people, thoughts and conversations that light you up and make you feel more alive and energized
how much and how often do you engage in these things?
what is holding you back from engaging in these things?
-> beliefs? (E.g. no time, not important, not good enough etc?)
-> self-sabotage? (e.g. procrastination, avoidance, distractions…?)
start prioritizing those things you enjoy & find ways to integrate more into your day
look to your current work/life & see how and where you’re already using/doing the things that light you up -> aspects of your work & life that make you happy & energize you…
-> can you become more intentional around this?
-> can you be more present with it?
Join me in the following Posts in this 12- step series, where we will continue unveiling the layers to reveal the beautiful, unique expression of our most Authentic Self…
Brighde is a Writer with a love for dark chocolate and the mystical side of life. She firmly believes every aspect of this curious Journey on Earth can be improved with a steaming mug of good tea, an open heart and mind and a grounded connection to the higher vibrational realms of Spirit inherent in everything. With a background of almost 30 years of working in the Healing Arts and Bodywork, her current focus is on facilitating deep inner transformation, growth and healing through one-on-one Intuitive Guidance and Coaching Sessions as well as on-line & in-person Courses and Workshops. Your can find out more about her work at www.AwakenedHearth.com .
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