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"7 Mysteries of Relationship" - using the 7 Essene Mirrors for Awareness, Healing & Expansion

New Course Dates!

A 5-week deep exploration of the "7 Essene Mirrors" to cultivate Self-Awareness & intimate Relationship with Self & others as the Unconscious is made Conscious.

This interactive Workshop is based on the Wisdom Teachings of the Essenes, an ancient Jewish mystic sect. It takes us deeply into the reflections of our hidden self as mirrored back to us by anyone & anything we are in relationship with - partners, parents, strangers, habits, money, work...

These teachings are a valuable adjunct to the "Falling in Love with our Triggers" Course, or can be explored as a stand alone Journey into Deepening & Transformation.

What are the 7 Essene Mirrors?
How do these ancient spiritual Teachings apply to our modern world, and how can they benefit us in our daily lives?

This hands-on, 8-week workshop explores in depth how we can use the daily reflections received through our casual or intimate interactions and conditions to reclaim a more conscious, authentic version of Self and create more intentional, fulfilling lives.

“Unless you make the Unconscious Conscious,
it will direct your life and you will call it Fate.”
Carl G. Jung

Self-Awareness is the key to unlocking our greatest potential and fulfillment.

This includes our relationships - our personal relationships with friends, lovers, family, co-workers etc, as well as how we are relating to and with the world all around us - our work, money, health, environment and the global consciousness at large.

Sadly, our Western Culture is largely unaware and ignorant of the constant “dialogue” we have going on with “The Quantum Field” that makes up our reality and connects us to everyone & everything in existence; we typically don’t realize how much our thoughts, beliefs and emotions constantly create what we perceive of as our lives…or how to use the reflections inherent in our experiences to become conscious and aware of our unconscious, deeply ingrained “programs” that keep writing the stories of our lives.

The 7 Essene Mirrors, or "7 Mysteries of Relationship", gift us with a nuanced language with which to open up a two-way communication with Life so we may live it to the fullest - more conscious, aware, whole and healed, intentional and loving, compassionate and connected than ever before!


  • you are an intrepid, curious Explorer of Life & Mystery & Inner Consciousness...

  • you feel the Calling of your most Authentic Self & are looking for tools to discover..You

  • you are tired of old patterns & would love to improve your relationship dynamics with intimate loved ones, friends, family, money, work, life...

  • you have always felt that "there must be more to life than... (insert personal peeve)"

  • you feel pulled towards the deeper meaning behind this tapestry of life & love & insanity...

  • you know you are "in this world, but not of this world" ...and would like to embody this concept more consciously

  • you are seeking the key to more Self-Awareness, Compassion, Unconditional Love & inner & outer Peace

  • you know you are a part of the New Paradigm Shift, you want to help change the World...and you know that every Change must start Within, that the Outer is only and ever a reflection of the Inner...