Welcome to Brighde’s Site

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Thank you for visiting!

I am Brighde Jo-Aellynn, Creator, Owner & Author of this Blog-Site as well as my “other business”, AwakenedHearth.com. Thank you for stopping by - please make yourself at home & stay with me for a while, browsing and carousing, with tea or without.

The intention behind my Writing is to invite sparks of Inspiration, shifts in Perspective, an opening up of new Vistas and, ideally, some Minds and Hearts along the way.

I am hoping to offer, not hard-edged facts, but rather Food for Thought - to inspire you to navigate your own trails down curious rabbit holes & to find new Insights, Inspiriting Thoughts and Breakthroughs there...

It's a lot about grounding this whole Earth-experience with all its bafflements and challenging growth opportunities - through Self-Awareness and practical tools for Inner Reflection, Transformation, Healing and Empowerment - and about having fun with it, for a change!

I hope you will join me on these Journeys through realms where Mystical, Spiritual, Quantum Physics and Human Psyche meet...


Events & Workshops

More Events Coming Soon


More Events Coming Soon 〰️

I am still profoundly surprised and impacted by Brighde’s clarity and precision.
With compassionate and skillful knowing, Brighde gently began unraveling deeply seated issues as she guided me to the precious juncture where the unconscious is made conscious and, oh!! WOW!
In that moment everything shifted, lifting me up beyond my expectations and opening my heart to a new direction.

Brighde is not only a cognizant but a healer of Spirit. Her work has a deeply seated integrity as she delivers the unseen truths in the most caring and effective manner. [...]
If you are serious about awakening to authenticity, she is your person!
— Datch Baudisch

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a little About me

I am a Writer, Transformational Coach, Spiritual Guide, Intuitive Consultant & undaunted explorer of Life's many mystical realms hidden in plain sight...

Awakened Hearth is my Love-Creation, my Passion-Business, the Umbrella covering all of my diverse Offerings, Coaching Sessions, Soul Purpose Readings, Courses - as well as upcoming books. Stop by for a visit and a virtual Cuppa Tea!

I also have the pleasure of working with a couple of wonderful Spiritual Retreat Centers in Sedona - check out what we have to offer…and feel free to request me personally for your unique session. SpiritQuest Sedona Retreats

Some of my other passions include hiking, art, crafts & music, good tea and deeply dark chocolate, all of which are currently working together behind the scenes to assist in the creation and birthing of various projects and books - in infamously (delayed) Divine Timing...more to come soon (or some other time thereafter).

{Get a glimpse of my personal story & vision in this 2022 “Shout Out Arizona” interview.}