"Stop thinking, and end your problems"
Quotes for Contemplation
The ‘Quotes for Contemplation’ series is an invitation to become still and turn inward, allowing deep inner associations and insights to rise to the surface. The more you allow yourself to explore, turn meanings on their head, take less travelled paths down rabbit holes and back again, the more inspirational depth and value these excursions into the realm of intuitive listening will yield to you.
There are truly no ‘wrong turns’ to take, for every trail will present its own versions of insights and realizations; you can always retrace your steps back to more helpful ground, take different turns or head way out into unchartered wilderness on your own adventures towards your personal Truth - no avenue taken need ever turn into a dead-end of absolute and concrete conclusion…
The quotes chosen are some of my favorite perennial classics, well known to most of us.
On my search for more transparency, however, I have found that not all of these quotes are always attributed to the correct source. I have done my best to make a note where I have found discrepancies, and to name the correct source if I was able to trace it. For anything I may have missed or misrepresented, I apologize.
Any interpretations of these famous quotes offered in this series are my own, and I invite you to take them as starting points for your own contemplations only, never as the only or correct meaning intended by their original authors.
Most of all, I hope you will get much joy, inner peace and a host of startlingly fresh insights of your own on this journey of contemplation.
“Stop thinking, and end your problems.”
It’s not easy to not think.
But that need not hold us back from attaining deep abiding peace and resolving inner conflict. Until we master losing ourselves in the Tao, thoughts will continue to arise in our minds.
That’s ok - we don’t have to keep them there. And we certainly don’t have to believe everything we think! We could, in fact, rephrase this quote, Byron Katie style: “Stop believing your thoughts and return to peacefulness.”
Beliefs are like snags and kinks in the natural flow of the Tao. Like branches and flotsam in the eddies of river currents, thoughts get trapped in the bottle-necks of beliefs, build up and block the powerful surge of Life Force. Deprived of the purity of our connection with our Source, we lose inner peace, our joy and energy, our clear vision and compass to guide us through life.
Examine your beliefs, and you have the power to untangle what you may now view as problems.
Without our beliefs to tackle and hold it down, whatever arises within or without us ‘just is’.
Without label or judgment, there is no struggle; we merely observe.
Without our attachment to unfolding and outcome, we retain our inner peace and equilibrium.
Without the constriction of our attempts to control, energy is free to flow according to its higher wisdom, free to follow the path of least resistance.
Without our resistance to life, to ‘what is’, energy has no barriers to run into on its journey upward.
Look at your current life -
What ‘problems’ and struggles are you experiencing?
What meaning do you assign to them?
Which beliefs are covertly creating these meanings?
And - if you take away the meaning, let go of your beliefs, what’s left?
Play with this a while, and you will come to realize that the only thing that’s truly tripping you up and throwing you off balance is the meaning you attach to occurrences, things, behaviors… If you merely observed the thoughts arising in your mind, without giving them weight or believing what they convey to you, if you just let them pass and go on their merry way, like clouds on a windy day, you need not experience the blockage and stagnation of your inner River of Joy.
Without the weight of our thoughts to tether us, we rise effortlessly beyond the reach of worldly affairs. They may or may not resolve themselves to our satisfaction, but regardless, they lose their power over our state of being.
And, if we’re honest - what is it that we truly desire at our deepest core? Peace and Freedom and a quiet, blissful kind of Joy. These states can never be attained through worldly things in any lasting fashion. The only way to reclaim our inner River of Joy and Peace is to allow it to flush out the blockages in the form of thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Let them rise, and rejoice when they do, no matter how uncomfortable and inconvenient, for if you allow them to, they are in motion and on their way out of your system for good.
Just like clouds on a windy day, they might bring rain as they pass, they may obscure the sun for a while, but this, too, shall pass and they will eventually move on and dissipate.
Stop holding on to your thoughts, and end all your problems.
Brighde is a Writer with a love for dark chocolate and the mystical side of life. She firmly believes every aspect of this curious Journey on Earth can be improved with a steaming mug of good tea, an open heart and mind and a grounded connection to the higher vibrational realms of Spirit inherent in everything. With a background of almost 30 years of working in the Healing Arts and Bodywork, her current focus is on facilitating deep inner transformation, growth and healing through one-on-one Intuitive Guidance and Coaching Sessions as well as on-line & in-person Courses and Workshops. You can find out more about her work at www.AwakenedHearth.com .
And of Course…
if you feel you’d like some help & assistance with getting in touch with your stuck beliefs & emotions, ready for a deeper exploration, transformation & healing, I am here for exactly that - check out my Spiritual Guidance & Transformational Coaching Sessions & Courses, my in-depth Soul Purpose Blueprint Readings,
or get in touch with me at brighde@awakenedhearth.com if you have any questions...I am looking forward to connecting with you!
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