…Have you ever taken the time and courage to look within, to consider who is waiting inside of you, waiting to be released from conditioned thoughts, behaviors and judgments, waiting to be free to ‘just be’, according to their own innate nature and propensities?…
Read More…What the great Sage is telling you is that, instead of being one at the whim of unpredictable feelings of love, you are Love. You can choose Love - by choosing to remember the Truth of your Inner Being, your Origin…
Read More…Beliefs are like snags and kinks in the natural flow of the Tao. Like branches and flotsam in the eddies of river currents, thoughts get trapped in the bottle-necks of beliefs, build up and block the powerful surge of Life Force. Deprived of the purity of our connection with our Source, we lose inner peace, our joy and energy, our clear vision and compass to guide us through life….
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