Among the many creative coping mechanism our complex human psyche has come up with in an attempt to survive and face up to life’s demands and traumas, somatizing may be one of our most frequently employed - and overlooked - “survival skills”.
Read More...In this blog-post, I’ll provide a first introduction to the concept of “Shadow-Work”, what it’s all about and how to stay on the bright side while digging in the dark, without skipping the down and dirty where all the purest gold lies waiting…
Read do we find the Voice that is calling us to our most fulfilling life? That tells us which next steps to take to get us there? What does the Voice of our impassioned Soul sound like? Underneath all our acceptable masks and behaviors, our chronic patterns and coping mechanisms, what does our most Authentic Self look like, and what does it dream of?This blog post is taking it back to the basics - how to start tapping into our ever present Intuition by practicing the Art of Listening...
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