Posts tagged Shadow Work
"The 7 Mysteries of Relationship", Part II

exploration of the 7 Essene Mirrors of Relationship; mirrors 3 through 7 - Mirror of our Lost Love (Magnetic Attraction); Mirror of our Most Forgotten Love (Compulsions, Obsessions & Self-Sabotage); Mirror of Sacred Relationship (Father/Mother God); Mirror of the Dark Night of the Soul (our deepest Separation; Ego-Death); Mirror of Divine Order (Self-Judgment & Comparison)

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"Divine Trust, Surrender & Acceptance" Part II

…healing our deepest core-wounds of abandonment and separation…In Part II, we will learn how to discern between a true and helpful positivity versus a forced sense of “all shall be well”, get a feeling for the wounds, beliefs or motivations contributing to our inauthentic expressions, and forge a path towards healing and surrendering our mostly invisible pain

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"Somatization & BodyTalk"

Among the many creative coping mechanism our complex human psyche has come up with in an attempt to survive and face up to life’s demands and traumas, somatizing may be one of our most frequently employed - and overlooked - “survival skills”.

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“The Bright Side of Shadow-Work”

...In this blog-post, I’ll provide a first introduction to the concept of “Shadow-Work”, what it’s all about and how to stay on the bright side while digging in the dark, without skipping the down and dirty where all the purest gold lies waiting…

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"The Thing About Triggers" annoying and painful as they are, Triggers can turn out to be our greatest Treasures on our Journey to "Enlightenment". If we know how to use them right, Triggers become our Mirrors for intimate Self-Reflection and Awareness that can help us make the Unconscious Conscious, our Key to deep inner & outer Healing, Transformation & Liberation from repetitive, negative looping patterns & behavior...

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