Heeding The Voice of Authenticity, VI

Global Themes

Welcome back to this 12-part series of Journal Prompts to help you hear your Authentic Inner Voice and find your Calling and Purpose. If you have missed the introduction in Part I, you can find and read it here.

6. Which Global Themes Speak to You?

Which global themes tug at you the most? Where do you perhaps feel personally called to help, and how?

This could be anything, like poverty, homelessness, environment, gender equality, alternative health etc. Often, though not always, it is related to our own struggles in life; for example - if you were challenged in school due to dyslexia, or perhaps your child has been diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum, this may have inspired you to want to advocate for more awareness and alternative teaching methods for other neuro-diverse learning styles in kids…

The things that we are most passionate about show us what lies close to our hearts and core. If it calls to you, there is a resonance deep within. The resonance of our Inner Voice and Being. We gain much by learning to pay attention to this sometimes subtle but always persistent Voice.

Journal Prompts:

  • Can you see a connection between your passion for this global theme & your own struggles & pain-points in life?

    • how can you show up to your own, personal life to ‘remedy’ these global themes? (Look inward for this; e.g. how much equality are you giving your own inner masculine & feminine aspects? Are you polluting your own inner environment with toxic thoughts and feelings, or food? Where are you still holding on to lack mentality? Etc…)

    • how and where are your own inner beliefs around these core themes affecting your life, your relationships etc.?

    • how can you share the gifts & insights gained from your personal struggles and journey through life to assist others struggling with similar themes? Do you feel called to do so, and if yes, in which ways?

Join me in the following Posts in this 12- step series, where we will continue unveiling the layers to reveal the beautiful, unique expression of our most Authentic Self…

And of course,

if you feel you’d like some help & assistance with getting in touch with your stories & emotions, ready for a deeper exploration, transformation & healing, I am here for exactly that - check out my Spiritual Guidance & Transformational Coaching Sessions & Courses, my in-depth Soul Purpose Blueprint Readings,

or get in touch with me at brighde@awakenedhearth.com if you have any questions...I am looking forward to connecting with you!

Brighde is a Writer with a love for dark chocolate and the mystical side of life. She firmly believes every aspect of this curious Journey on Earth can be improved with a steaming mug of good tea, an open heart and mind and a grounded connection to the higher vibrational realms of Spirit inherent in everything. With a background of almost 30 years of working in the Healing Arts and Bodywork, her current focus is on facilitating deep inner transformation, growth and healing through one-on-one Intuitive Guidance and Coaching Sessions as well as on-line & in-person Courses and Workshops. Your can find out more about her work at www.AwakenedHearth.com .

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