Heeding The Voice of Authenticity, V
Strengths & Gifts
Welcome back to this 12-part series of Journal Prompts to help you hear your Authentic Inner Voice and find your Calling and Purpose. If you have missed the introduction in Part I, you can find and read it here.
5. Who Have You Become?
Who have you become because of your struggles? What were the lessons offered and learned?
If we can adopt the attitude that, at an unconscious, soul-level we all decided what we wanted to learn and practice in this lifetime and set ourselves up with the perfect practice ground to achieve what we set out to learn, then it’s easy to embrace that anything that is happening TO us is really happening FOR us.
Taking this higher perspective can illuminate a lot of precious treasures. Just like points gained every time we navigate increasingly difficult obstacles in a video-game, our life and all our interactions present us with many gifts and strengths of expansion and growth every time we pass another test, walk through another initiation in our daily experiences. It’s like the boot-camp kicking our butts, but also pushing us to become the strongest, fittest version of ourselves.
What are your Super-Powers gained from your travails and tribulations?
Journal Prompts:
What strengths have you developed because of your struggles? List your Super-Powers (e.g. independence, resourcefulness, compassion…)
what have you learned, what wisdom have you gained?
how are your strengths helping you in your life now?
how are these strengths still showing up as a hindrance, where do they get in the way? (Look to the underlying beliefs and motives; e.g. ‘I can’t trust anyone to have my back, therefore I am using my extreme independence & resourcefulness to not be needy - I do not let anyone get too close to me…this is sabotaging true connection with friends and in partnerships of any kind…’)
can you identify areas where the emphasis of these strengths shifted from defense mechanism to being a true gift over time?
what would you like to replace the old beliefs with? (E.g. ‘I am loved and supported, it is easy and joyful to co-create with others, I receive love and support easily and gratefully…’)
Who would you be and what would your life feel and look like if you believed this new story?
Join me in the following Posts in this 12- step series, where we will continue unveiling the layers to reveal the beautiful, unique expression of our most Authentic Self…
And of course,
if you feel you’d like some help & assistance with getting in touch with your stories & emotions, ready for a deeper exploration, transformation & healing, I am here for exactly that - check out my Spiritual Guidance & Transformational Coaching Sessions & Courses, my in-depth Soul Purpose Blueprint Readings,
or get in touch with me at brighde@awakenedhearth.com if you have any questions...I am looking forward to connecting with you!
Brighde is a Writer with a love for dark chocolate and the mystical side of life. She firmly believes every aspect of this curious Journey on Earth can be improved with a steaming mug of good tea, an open heart and mind and a grounded connection to the higher vibrational realms of Spirit inherent in everything. With a background of almost 30 years of working in the Healing Arts and Bodywork, her current focus is on facilitating deep inner transformation, growth and healing through one-on-one Intuitive Guidance and Coaching Sessions as well as on-line & in-person Courses and Workshops. Your can find out more about her work at www.AwakenedHearth.com .
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