Heeding The Voice of Authenticity, I

Dreams, Visions and Passion

In my line of work, it is obvious how much the desire for finding our true ‘Soul-Purpose’, for shedding the layers of protective, numbing persona-identifications and compensatory patterns, the urge to re-claim a sense of passion for a life lived authentically and meaningfully is steadily growing.

It is a quest I personally have been pursuing since I can remember, one that I had been stumbling and teetering around on in many meandering, round-about ways for almost three decades before the direction of my Calling solidified and made itself clear enough to follow along a more direct and resonant path. This Calling has been persistent in its guidance, and it has taken some surprising turns over time. Less than ten years ago I would never have guessed I’d find myself where I am today…and I am sure more surprises will be in store along the way. That’s the fun of it, isn’t it…

My personal thirst for authenticity and meaning has lead me to a deep passion for assisting others on their own search and journey out of the fog of confusion, delusion, insecurity and doubt to remembering their innermost sense of Self and Vocation. I am convinced we can all turn the pages of the past and slip into much happier, livelier, thoroughly fulfilling and magical chapters of our lives.

To this end, this new mini-series will be exploring ways to listen for the Voice of our Authentic Self, quietly guiding us towards our uniquely personal Calling and Purpose.

I intend to keep the individual blog-posts short and concise, consisting mainly of around twelve themes and pertinent Journaling Prompts for you to follow into your own intuitive insights and, hopefully, the beginnings of many breakthrough moments of clarity to come.

If this speaks to you, if you have been on this journey of self-exploration, if you’ve perhaps been feeling stuck in that dreaded sense of emptiness, meaninglessness, depression and confusion, not quite knowing where to turn for clarity and direction, then this series is for you.

Take out your favorite journal or start a brand new one, brew up your favorite cup of tea and join me as we ask ourselves some potentially life-altering questions…

How deeply will you dare to go into the innermost Dreams of your Soul?

1. Dreams, Visions and Passions

As children, we typically are still very tuned in and tapped in to our authentic self-expression and ‘calling’ in this lifetime. This may not be a very conscious or precise ‘knowing’, but the tell-tale signs are often hidden in plain sight, ready to be deciphered when we are ready. They call to us in our wildest dreams, in visions that light our inner fire and in the things we are passionate about.

To be clear, I define the core essence of  ‘Soul Purpose’ as becoming and being our most authentic, original, fulfilled and joyful version of Self; this, off course, can be expressed in many unique ways in the world, and finding the paths and expressions that speak the most to our individual gifts, interests and passions is what we are here to embody. Whether we find ourselves called towards exhibiting these strengths and interests in the world through our professions or keep them more private is not so much of relevance - this is a choice we each have to make individually.

The point is for us to come alive to our Soul Fire and follow our Inner Voice to the best of our ability.

I agree whole-heartedly with Carl Jung and his statement:

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

Let’s start listening to the many different ways in which our Inner Voice speaks to us, directly from our Soul - beginning with our old and perhaps forgotten or dusty dreams, visions and passions…

Journal Prompts:

  • make a list of the things, activities and themes that you used to love as a child, teenager and/or young adult; what used to light you up, call to you, what were your earliest inclinations and passions?

    (E.g, did you always dream of being a writer, did you use to love dancing, wanted to be a missionary, doctor, etc…)

  • how might these dreams/interests still be applying to you now?

    (Hint: try not to be too linear and literal; distill the essence & feel into which aspects may still resonate with you…)

  • learn to listen to and make time for ‘daydreams’ - those random thoughts and inspirations that light you up and stir your soul…

    (pay attention to that first response to a thought, idea or vision - how did that first thought make you feel, before that critical, negating voice of reason chimed in to keep you safe from silly dreams?)

Join me in the following Posts in this 12- step series, where we will continue unveiling the layers to reveal the beautiful, unique expression of our most Authentic Self…

And of course,

if you feel you’d like some help & assistance with getting in touch with your stories & emotions, ready for a deeper exploration, transformation & healing, I am here for exactly that - check out my Spiritual Guidance & Transformational Coaching Sessions & Courses, my in-depth Soul Purpose Blueprint Readings,

or get in touch with me at brighde@awakenedhearth.com if you have any questions...I am looking forward to connecting with you!

Brighde is a Writer with a love for dark chocolate and the mystical side of life. She firmly believes every aspect of this curious Journey on Earth can be improved with a steaming mug of good tea, an open heart and mind and a grounded connection to the higher vibrational realms of Spirit inherent in everything. With a background of almost 30 years of working in the Healing Arts and Bodywork, her current focus is on facilitating deep inner transformation, growth and healing through one-on-one Intuitive Guidance and Coaching Sessions as well as on-line & in-person Courses and Workshops. Your can find out more about her work at www.AwakenedHearth.com .

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